Joyful Math exists to celebrate the study of mathematics as a beautiful, interesting, playful, creative, and human-centered sense-making endeavor. Doris is passionate about providing engaging enrichment opportunities for young children, focusing primarily on exciting branches of mathematics not typically part of the elementary mathematics curriculum, and facilitating sense-making in the elementary mathematics classroom. It is her mission to promote positive attitudes in our youngest mathematicians—and their teachers—before needless aversions develop. Everyone is invited to get involved, reimagine the subject, and help spread the joy of math!

Doris Fulwider
Doris has many years of teaching experience in a primary self-contained gifted classroom. She is an independent high ability consultant, providing professional development for K-5 high ability teachers across the state of Indiana in the areas of math education, higher order thinking skills, and differentiation. Doris has presented summer math workshops sponsored by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) Office of High Ability Education and was a unit writer for the Indiana High Ability English Language Arts curriculum project, led by Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska. Doris is a regular presenter at the Indiana Association for the Gifted (IAG) conference and received the 2016 IAG Outstanding Teacher of the Gifted award.
Doris earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Indiana State and both a master’s degree in elementary education and a gifted and talented license from Purdue University. She recently earned another master's degree — this time in curriculum and instruction with a concentration in mathematics education, also through Purdue University. Doris is currently a doctoral student in curriculum and instruction in mathematics education at Purdue University. Her research interests include facilitating and nurturing sense-making in the elementary mathematics classroom, supporting teachers, and engaging families. Feel free to follow her blog documenting this journey!